Humanitarian Assistance Activities (HAP) of Sri Lanka EMDR Association
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A Young man was helped with Rs 100,000/- He is raring “Jamuna goats” and needed to build a shed especially for young goat kids. According to him it was a great help to begin his project. Soon after with the help of a Japanese funding agency recommended by the Divisional secretariat, he has expanded his project and is doing very well.
A woman was helped with Rs 75,000/- to restart her mushroom growing project. She has put up a little room to do so and she also doing well.
A farmer was given Rs 85,000/ to till his land. He refunded already 60,ooo/- after getting a good yield.
A famer was helped with Rs 15000/-( donated by an EMDR member )to buy necessary equipment to continue his Yogurt making and packeting of eatables to put in the market.
A young man was given Rs 50,000/-for starting a business of distributing a variety of healthy rice to hospitals, shops etc. Most of the funds for the above projects came from our benefactors who contributed generously.
Medawachchiya Divisional secretary and the officers there are very supportive of these programmes. They supervise them closely and hence all the projects are going on well.
Sr Janet visited all these people in November 13 to 14th, to see how they were doing and was glad that all of them are doing better with the help they received. She also keeps in touch with them over the phone regularly to encourage them and follow their progress. As long as the funds though meagre are available and keep coming, we will continue these projects even in a small way.